S&D Love Stories - Stella

S&D Love Stories - Stella

What made us want to get a dog?
Chris and I had always wanted a dog. We both had ‘A DOG’ written on our lists to Santa every year when we were younger and we were both endlessly given the line from our parents “I’ll be the one that has to look after it all the time so no!”…which was likely true. A dog was going to be part of our family at some point though, that much was clear.
I had always wanted a bulldog, I’m not entirely sure why but I just adore them and always have. Chris was never quite sure what breed of dog he wanted, he was open to any and I think when I described the picture of a bulldog waddling around the house with a pink bow, he was won over. 
Bulldog puppy
Gotcha Day!
I would endlessly send Chris links to gorgeous litters of bulldogs, with no real intention of getting one at the time but who doesn’t love looking at pictures of adorable little puppies! Eventually I saw images of this particular litter, and there was a little tricoloured bulldog that had all the colours of a twix, and I was instantly besotted! I started speaking to the breeder over the next few weeks (Chris was still unaware). With many questions and checks on both sides - our breeders were fantastic - asked all the right questions and said no to 3 other prospective owners before us so they were clearly looking for the best for Stella. Chris was in Morocco for a few weeks (still unaware of my discussions with Stella breeders bar a single image I sent him) and the night I picked him up from the airport in Aberdeen, he got in the car and I said…. “we’re driving to Edinburgh pick up our puppy!”
There was Stella (referred to as Harley at the time) playing with her brothers and sisters. We spent a few hours there with the breeders, taking any suggestions they had on owning a bulldog, and we just watched this gorgeous little puppy waddle around until it was time to go and take her to her forever home.
Olde English bulldog puppy
Stella was a name we had picked out for years (it was actually the name Chris’ parents were going to call him If he was a girl and we thought it would be a funny name for a chubby bulldog). Chris and I would often be out for a walk and one of us would jokingly look down to this imaginary dog and say, “come on Stella…good girl Stella” (incidentally, “Come on Stella” is something we often say to this day as she does not enjoy being rushed!). Now, Stella was no longer imaginary and we were both instantly in love with her squishy, ‘ugly cute’ face.
How has life changed?
Having a dog has enhanced our lives no end. Yes they are a tie, but the small amount of sacrifices you have to make pale in comparison to the positives they bring to your life. Not only do they provide endless companionship and happiness, they force you to go out there and explore new places on walks and meet new friends who also own dogs (we have met a lot!) They also teach you how to schedule and plan ahead (something Chris has needed help with more than me I might add).
Whats your favourite thing about Stella?
Our favourite thing about Stella, is her facial expressions which vary from depressed to mildly unhappy. When we’re in the house together you’ll hear one another go into a room and suddenly laugh, and say “aaaaaw Stella!” Because she’s likely sat in some incredibly sad looking position staring at you, or she’s lying down in a big ball of fat rolls with an equally miserable face on her. 



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